Rigidply Rafters, Inc. is a family owned business that has been in continuous operation since 1954 and was incorporated in 1958. In 1963, Rigidply Rafters, Inc. started manufacturing engineered, metal-plated wood trusses for roof and floor applications. Building on Rigidply’s reputation for outstanding quality and service, our first crane truck was put into service in 1964. Trusses could then be lifted directly from our truck to the roof or floor system. Rigidply’s quality products, experienced personnel, and unmatched service continue today as Rigidply remains the premier truss supplier in the Northeast.
The year 1971 brought big changes for our company, including an agreement between Rigidply Rafters, Inc. and Emanuel and Edna Miller to establish a truss plant in Oakland, MD. This new plant proved invaluable when the Myerstown facility was destroyed by fire in 1972. Employees from the Pennsylvania plant worked night shifts at the Maryland plant to continue to fill customer orders while the Myerstown plant was being rebuilt.
Fire struck the corporation yet again in 1985, this time destroying the Maryland plant. Facing another major decision, the family and business partners chose to rebuild the Maryland plant. Construction continued throughout the winter of 1985-1986 and was completed on March 17, 1986.
The Rigidply Rafters name stands as a testament to the strong commitment of this family-owned business to produce quality work and provide excellent service.
Our family business continues to grow under the leadership of three sons and two sons-in-law. We respond to industry changes with flexibility, creativity, and innovation as we strive to meet the needs of our customers. The challenges we have faced over the years provided the opportunity for us to see the active loyalty and dedication of our customers and employees, and for this Rigidply Rafters, Inc. expresses our deepest appreciation. Each Rigidply Rafters, Inc. team member is fully committed to serving our customers with excellence and providing them with the finest products available. Thank you for your continued customer loyalty and partnership! The owners of Rigidply Rafters, Inc. believe that without the strength and blessing of God, none of our accomplishments would be possible. We believe it is a combination of God’s providence and our determination to understand His will and purpose for our lives that has enabled us, and will continue to enable us, to provide service and care for our customers and employees. -Arthur Shirk